Day 16 (Fine Art) - Abstraction with Tape and String

 Heidi as with other course teachers has clear goals from sessions and it's great to create something and also understand something of the exercise.

Resources for Monday 18th that we brought along were Coloured Tape along with String/Tread/wool.

Working area
After Heidi talking about some ways that Artist used space (Bruce Nauman's Walking in an  Exaggerated Manner Around the Perimeter of a Square 1968 ) this was a filmed performance and for me what I saw was not a great realisation of a challenging idea).

(This was a long way away from other work I have seen by Nauman).

We also looked at some other examples of Tape and thread being used - Jim Lambie is  a figure working in this area of art - his work  looks (to me) as 'decorative'.  

I preferred the example of the Korean artist Sun K Kwak - the work suggests motion and direction.

Duchamp's a mile of string was considered too as was the Drawing in the air  and Uncertain Journey of Japanese Artist Chiharu Shiota which looked great.

Our working space was a 1m Square of floor and the brief was abstraction - I guess (and I will look) that there are many books on what Abstraction is in Art but clearly the idea is a work that is not a photographic work or 'realist'.

The top and bottom are clear

For me an idea is linked to something tangible and this may have been evident in my work but through the day I looked at taking different directions- changing the 'ground' for example  - I think I was also relation to the Japanese Olympics (1962) exhibition I saw recently which reflected a use of semiotics in the signing. 

After lunch my work became even more pictorial before we started adding a third dimension and bring other material in.

Rather representational ?
Introducing thread was a new challenge and I did not feel that it added a strong element but it did make me reconsider which 'way up' the viewing should be made.  

With thread

After removing the thread I felt that the image I had would make a good album cover and the bottom of the picture had moved 90 degrees.

My takeaways were a change of working method created a different type of output and this could be useful when creativity was stuck.


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