Day 43 Vis. Com. musical representations & storyboarding

 On Wednesday Rod kicked of our sessions with an exercise in  representing some musical terms which
for some reason/convention use Italian words  by default.

I got three done - Agitato  Agitated

Lentissimo -Slowly 


Sonoro Ringing



Part of the 'challenge' was to be 'Abstract' - for me this seemed difficult to wholly buy into as it was to an extent representational.

And I do fear that for the ringing I'm particularly guilty of this'. 



After this exercise we moved on to making an Abstract (-ish) series of frames to form a  narrative of something that we'd experienced.

Again a challenge that has some built-in contradictions but which we all gave our best shots:

A Day In The Life

My series tells the story of taking a bicycle ride  on a sunny day and in suburban London  being hit by police car, going through legal channels and reaching another 'sunny' day with compensation.

Tom Gauld was an artist (American) mentioned by Rod in reference to the next  theme that was making a set of characters 

I had an idea of 10 Government/ Tory figures - I think you'll see a 'Boris' type figure - can you imagine who some of the others are.

Ten figures for a story

Richard Maguire was a starting off point for this idea for a 'Story' and I have the idea of a press/media briefing.

We all saw connections with Manga and Film which typically is created through storyboarding.

Talking to the media (Rees-Mogg looks on)

I feel that some more could be done on this- perhaps more of a body to the figure behind the podium - but I quite like what was achieved by using cut-outs 

This work will work into our creation of a book - I have in mid something around The 10 commandments , or  perhaps The 7 deadly sins.


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