
Ideas continue

  A board game box cover The Hirst token  More Henge and LP covers LPs still exist Stones logo

Day 69 - Jera tells us about the final project timetable and proposal

 Jera described and presented about arriving at an idea and plan for me there's a challenge and I will ponder on what is workable, a pleasure (for me and an audience) and how I would wish to involve others. Easter  break will give the chance to arrive at a decision write the proposal in the assigned format 

Day 68 More investigating of FMP in 3D sculpture

 At this session I worked further on a Stonehenge sculpture piece, a model that I felt was in the style of  Christo working - using models ahead of what could be a major project. Textures were used to represent stone . Ands colour was used to help consider the emotion this might engender  Next steps were made for the Shark/Hirst mould and I tried some experiments with  a mirror. Ahead of cleaning in the mould

Day 67 Rod talks about FMP planning

Howe a Yinka Shonibare token could look?   Rod provided pointers and reflected on past Projects. Warning of the effect of late change and following a steer that went against ones' desires/idea 

Day 66 -Core Writing, describing and pitching and Rod's book

 This weeks' core was about how words can be used and also Rod provided an insight into the enterprise behind his book - which seemed to be quite a mixed experience for him. Artists often struggle to 'sell' ideas or themselves - imposter syndrome can loom large. Practice and input from friends will help - manage your emotions as best you can.

Day 65 3D/Sculpture game play tokens

 In 3D i started to look at Ideas of material items that would be part of the game, Damian Hirst and Banksy - a studio to work in.. How would the Banksy player token look? A 3D version A studio space too... A wooden Studio piece  and a mould for a Shark (Damien )